Known for his acclaimed work on Final Fantasy X, the Final Fantasy XIII series and Final Fantasy VII Remake, Masashi Hamauzu has once again challenged himself in order to create music for The Legend of Legacy that proudly follows the tradition of Japanese role-playing games of the 1990s. The result is a surprisingly rich work, made of finely crafted atmospheres. With a remarkable economy of means, Masashi Hamauzu was able to incorporate a real sense of lightness: be it in the radiant main theme, field music or even the battle themes, the soundtrack for The Legend of Legacy is an immaculate piece of wonder. Naturally, Masashi Hamauzu united his usual team of ace performers: Hijiri Kuwano (violin), Toru Tabei (guitar), Ippiqui Takemoto (drums), Benyamin Nuss (piano) and Mina (vocals).
Features 35 pieces of music from The Legend of Legacy on 2 discs and includes a 12-page illustrated booklet featuring messages from Masashi Hamauzu and director Masataka Matsuura.