MEGALOBOX is the tribute animation to the legendary Ashita no Joe, produced by TMS Entertainment and broadcasted worldwide since 2018 with a dazzling success. Megalobox Original Soundtrack is produced by mabanua (Manabu Yamaguchi) and features several renowned artists such as DJ TAKU, KOMA-CHI or Michael Kaneko. It was acclaimed by the critics for its unforgettable rhythm and melodies, inspired by a broad variety of genres such as hip hop, black music and rap. This soundtrack is now entirely remastered for the sumptuous vinyl format!
The MEGALOBOX Vinyl Edition features:
– The illustrated gatefold with Joe and Yuri.
– 2 x LP Red (limited Edition), housed in two illustrated sleeves.
– A 12 pages booklet with comments from the composer and the team (Yô Moriyama, Keiichirô Miyoshi) and the English translated lyrics from the songs.